Microcontrolador PIC12f1822-I/P

$75.00 Costo sin IVA

Microcontroladores de 8BITS MCU 3.5 KB 128B RAM 32MHZ con Oscilador Interno 6 I/O

Disponibilidad: 10 disponibles

SKU: PIC12f1822-I/P Categoría: Etiquetas: ,

Additional Features

Enhanced Mid-range Core with 49 Instruction, 16 Stack Levels
Flash Program Memory with self read/write capability
Internal 32MHz oscillator
Integrated Capacitive mTouch Sensing Module
Data Signal Modulator Module
MI2C, SPI, EUSART w/auto baud
ECCP (Enhanced/Capture Compare PWM) Module
Comparator with selectable Voltage Reference
4 Channel 10b ADC with Voltage Reference
25mA Source/Sink current I/O
Two 8-bit Timers (TMR0/TMR2)
One 16-bit Timer (TMR1)
Extended Watchdog Timer (EWDT)
Enhanced Power-On/Off-Reset
Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
On Board In-Circuit Debug
Wide Operating Voltage (1.8V – 5.5V)
Low Power PIC12LF182x variants (1.8V – 3.6V)
Standby Current (PIC12LF182X): 20 nA @ 1.8V, typical
Active Current(PIC12LF1822): 50 uA/MHz @ 1.8V, typical

Program Memory Type Flash
Program Memory Size (KB) 3.5
SRAM Bytes 128
Data EEPROM/HEF (bytes) 256
Digital Communication Peripherals 1-UART, 1-SPI, 1-I2C1-MSSP(SPI/I2C)
Capture/Compare/PWM Peripherals 1 ECCP,
Timers 2 x 8-bit, 1 x 16-bit
ADC Input 4 ch, 10-bit
Number of Comparators 1
Temperature Range (C) -40 to 125
Operating Voltage Range (V) 1.8 to 5.5
Pin Count 8
Low Power Yes

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